What is My Identity in Christ?

By Jessica Brodie

I grew up in church, but I am ashamed to admit that “Jesus follower” wasn’t part of my core identity until I was an adult.

But as time went on, I firmly grasped my identity as a daughter of the King. That’s who I am, scars and all. Imperfections and all. It doesn’t matter what I did in the past or how many mistakes I made—what matters is that I choose to believe, repent, and follow Christ.

To me, being Christian doesn’t just mean going to church on Sunday mornings, though I do that. Being a Christian is living the life of a disciple. It’s pointing to God in every aspect of my life, whether in traffic, at the grocery store, on social media, or with my kids. It’s a constant search for holiness, knowing that while I’ll always fall short, I can always strive to be like Him, my savior, modeling His way and telling people about Him. It means showing kindness even when the rest of the world chases selfish pursuits and ways of the flesh.

If this is something you’d like to know more about, or something you can relate to, perhaps you’ll enjoy these blog-devotionals I’ve written over the last few years.

Each are about our identity as a Christian in some way:


The Power of a Name



Not Like Everybody Else



Finding My Faith Identity in a Strawberry Field



What is My True Identity?



How God’s ‘I Am’ Makes Up for What I’m Not



Claiming My Faith in Christ



I Am God’s Daughter



The Humility of Mary



God Doesn’t Make Junk—On Loving Ourselves



Can I Truly Be ‘Clean’ Forever?



A God-Given Makeover



There you have it—11 blogs on our identity in Christ. I’d love your thoughts on whether any of these helped or resonated with you (or didn’t!). God bless you, and thank you for reading. I write for you, my friends, and I write for Jesus.

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