When I veer off-course

By Jessica Brodie

Do you know those people who can’t seem to walk in a straight line? That’s me! I’ve been that way all my life.

If I’m walking in a group, I think I’m walking in a straight line, but slowly I start to drift over to the right until whomever I’m walking with eventually gets run off the path. When I did gymnastics as a kid, let’s just say the balance beam was not my forte.

When I notice I’m veering off-course, I correct myself—I certainly don’t mean to be so spacey. But invariably I find myself chatting away, oblivious as my poor walking partner is gently shifting me back on track. (My sister has started linking arms with me when we walk—it helps.)

There’s a verse in Proverbs that reminds me of this: “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil” (Proverbs 4:25-27 NIV).

The verse hits home. Unless I work hard to really focus on how I’m walking, unless I have people beside me guiding me, I go astray.

And isn’t that how it is sometimes in our Christian walk? We become tempted or distracted by something, perhaps not even realizing it at first. And when we finally notice, unless we strive to get back on track or a well-meaning friend kindly tells us what’s going on, sometimes we come to our senses one day and find ourselves completely off God’s path.

That’s not good!

Just like walking in a straight line, I have come to understand that I need to be very thoughtful about my ways. I need to read the Bible, pray, and keep my thoughts on God and what’s good, pure, and true. I need to surround myself with Christian friends who shine light into my life, and I, in turn, do the same into theirs, all of us holding each other accountable.

By nature, we humans are all sinners. But we can try our best to live holy, live right. We can try our best to walk on God‘s path, to achieve or at least strive for sanctification.

What do you do when you notice you’re slipping a little off course in your walk with God? What helps you get back into alignment? I’d love to hear. Share below!

And maybe share this post with a friend who helps keep you accountable or who might need some of this guidance today.

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