Posts tagged grief
Stepping Forward Together after Tragedy

After 9/11, just like after many grief and trauma episodes, we held together by holding together and walking together. And Jesus was right there with us. On lessons learned in the aftermath of healing.

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Learning to Love Again

It’s not always easy to love again when we have lost someone we loved, whether that’s a pet or a person. Yet as we are God’s people, fully created in love, I believe we have an obligation to open our hearts to love, whatever that looks like. It’s not always the same, and we don’t always feel perfectly ready. Still, allow yourself to love—whatever that looks like.

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Beauty in the bad times

I’m not eager for bad times. I truly hope I get to spend the rest of my days without hard moments, grief, sadness, stress, or pain. But I now longer fear them—and I’ve come to understand there is a joy to be experienced right in the center of that pain.

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She walked in joy

It hurts when people we love are gone too soon, too unexpectedly. Even though we know our time is short and finite, we often live our lives as if we’ll always have another chance for a quick text or call, another chance for an “I love you,” another chance to take that long-awaited trip together or have that deep talk we’ve been meaning to.

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