Posts tagged when someone we love dies
Sharing our legacy

Just like I want to share the legacy of my late Gram so her beautiful soul can carry on in my children, we as Christians are propelled with the authority and all-encompassing command of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the One True God, the Alpha and Omega, so all people can know Christ. The good news of the Gospel wasn’t gifted to humanity so it could be a secret for a select few but to be proclaimed so all can dance in the light of the Lord.   

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She walked in joy

It hurts when people we love are gone too soon, too unexpectedly. Even though we know our time is short and finite, we often live our lives as if we’ll always have another chance for a quick text or call, another chance for an “I love you,” another chance to take that long-awaited trip together or have that deep talk we’ve been meaning to.

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