How Validating Can Be a Powerful Way to Show Love

 Today, my devotional is the featured blog on my friend and fellow Christian author Alexis Goring's Devotionals for the Heart "God is Love" blog.

By Jessica Brodie

Have you ever struggled with that exact, perfect thing to say? Me, too! I’m a professional writer and still find myself tongue-tied on occasion, especially when someone l love is struggling with a situation or even difficult feelings.

I used to think listening was the answer, and it is in many ways. But there’s something else I’ve learned about recently, validation, that can be immensely helpful when used with listening.

Validating can be a powerful way to show love, and it’s not just the newest mental health buzz-word. The concept of validation is peppered throughout Scripture.

As Psalm 34:18 tells us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted” (NIV). And James 1:19 tells us we should all be “quick to listen.”

In 1 John 3:20, we’re told, “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.”

And Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

What is validating? Validation is when we understand and accept someone else’s feelings as real, worthy, and of value. The opposite is invalidation, when we dismiss, reject, or judge those feelings as unimportant and without value.

God gives us validation—He hears us and accepts us, for He made us and He loves us. We are worthy, and He is with us always.

If we are loving in a God-inspired or God-led way, we try to do the same for others.

For example…


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