Posts tagged Isaiah 41:10
Serenity in the whirling chaos

It might be a pandemic, but I don’t need to panic. I don’t need to worry. I just need to keep my calm, care for those around me, and take one step and then the next on God’s path. For God tells me in His Holy Word, the Bible, that I need not fear what kills the body— in Jesus, I have eternal life, and nothing on this earth can prevent that if I only hold tight and cling to Him. My blog on how to cling to God’s promises and His liberation during scary times.

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God doesn’t fall asleep on the job (like I do!)

My eyes bleary and brain foggy from lack of sleep, I’d finally get my young kids tucked in for the night. “I’ll be back in just a few minutes to check on you,” I’d promise in my best mommy voice, with every intention to follow through. Only, the second I tiptoed into my own bedroom, thinking I’d read for awhile and then go back and check, my sleep-weary body would give out.  I’d wake up hours later, my bedtime promise broken. Oops.

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