An Interview with an Author: Tabitha Bouldin

It’s Author Thursday on my blog! Today, meet Christian author Tabitha Bouldin.

Tabitha is the author of The Trials series: Trial by Courage, Trial by Faith, and Trial by Patience. Her newest release is Mishaps off the Mainland.

A homeschool mom and freelance editor, Tabitha and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She holds a bachelor’s degree in creative writing/fiction with a minor in English. 

Learn more about Tabitha through the links at the end of this interview.

—By Jessica Brodie


JB: Tell us about yourself and your faith journey.

Tabitha: The first time I stepped foot in a church, I was eight years old. Until then, I had no idea who God was or what church even meant. Not long after, I gave my heart to God. I wish I could say my salvation road was a smooth one, but there have been many bumps (a few of which caused me to leave God). But I always made my way back, and have since fully rededicated my life to serving God and His purpose. The road still has its hills and valleys, but I refuse to turn aside anymore.


JB: When did you know you wanted to become a writer?

Tabitha: In 2015, through God’s wonderful blessing, I became a stay-at-home mom. Book ideas had always been a part of my life, but I never sat down and actually tried to write anything until then. After writing in every spare moment for three years, I had a series I thought deserved to be published. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a writer. Seeing all those pages, all the hours spent behind the computer, I felt a nudge from God that it was time to turn loose my stranglehold and set the books free.


JB: How does your faith influence your writing?

Tabitha: Faith is part of everything I write. With each story, I ask, “What do You want me to accomplish with this book?” I always learn something about myself with each novel. God always shows up in the writing, usually in subtle ways I don’t even notice until I’m going through the second or third edit, but also in big ways that say, “Here He is!”


JB: When did this particular story first stir in your heart?

Tabitha: I first started writing Mishaps off the Mainland when a call came out for a particular set of stories from Celebrate Lit. Right away, I knew this would be a fun series, and I desperately wanted to be on their team. From there, Mel’s story sort of poured out of me, and I knew that even if I wasn’t picked up by the publisher, this was a story that I needed to tell.


JB: Do you have other books coming out in the future?

Tabitha: Mishaps off the Mainland is part of a series called the Independence Islands being published with Celebrate Lit. I have 5 books total in the series, with book two, Stealing the First Mate, set to release in May of 2021. There are 5 other authors in the series, and we’re releasing books in a round-robin type style.


JB: What do you hope for readers to take away from your books?

Tabitha: I hope readers take away exactly that: hope. Mel is a down-on-her-luck dog groomer who took a chance on her dream. Now, she’s uncertain of her future and where she belongs with God. She’s lost her hope, just like we all have at some point, and I hope that through Mel’s struggles we all might find some grain of hope.


Check out Tabitha online:







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