The Spirit on the Sidewalk

By Jessica Brodie

One of the most beautiful parts of my week comes, surprisingly, on the days I drive to my office. As I approach the interstate, an older man stands on the corner, exuberantly making the sign of the cross at every car that passes by.

You can’t miss him—he’s a striking African-American man with a huge grin and the most joyful demeanor.

The second I see him, I feel my face light up with a grin that matches his perfectly. Without even thinking, I hold up my hand and do the sign of the cross right back to him, then we lock eyes and smile at each other.

It’s a powerful, powerful Holy Spirit moment right there on the streets in my community with a man I’ve never actually met, and it does my soul so much good.

Have you ever had an experience like this? Have you encountered a perfect stranger who seems utterly filled to overflowing with God’s magnificent presence, and that person can’t help but reflect that back into the world, igniting all he or she meets with that precious goodness? There’s little in life that can beat it! The most glorious sunset, the most amazing mountaintop vista, even the most valuable times with my loved ones don’t hold a candle to the feeling that spark of ignition kindles.

And that’s just passing someone by on the street. Can you imagine what it must have felt like on the Day of Pentecost, two-thousand years ago? If you’re not familiar with the story, take a look at Acts 2. It talks about how, after Jesus‘s death and resurrection and his ascendence to heaven, the disciples were all gathered worshiping when suddenly, the Holy Spirit settled upon each one of them like a flame. They all began speaking in tongues, and when others realized it was an act of God, three-thousand came to Christ that day. The number grew from there, launching the early church in an explosive way.

Last week, I wrote about how the Holy Spirit lives in all of us. He is alive, and he is not to be contained or restricted. Instead, we’re to do all we can to kindle that flame into a spiritual forest fire.

What are some ways we can do this? One personal and highly effective way involves taking a hard look at the gifts God has already given us. Each of us has been given a number of gifts. Some are good speakers or teachers. Some are compassionate and merciful. Some have the gift of healing or artistic ability, and some are great at making and cultivating friendships. Some can lead, some can organize, some can cook, some are phenomenal with money and business and finances… the list goes on. Perhaps we never realized we could use these things for the glory of God’s kingdom, or to help kindle a larger Holy Spirit fire within our souls, but guess what? We can and should use these gifts, for that is exactly why they have been given to us.  

We might think, “My family likes my cooking, but I’m not a trained chef.” But if you enjoy it and have a knack for it, start there. How can you use your gifts for God’s kingdom? Could you start some sort of food-based gathering at your church to help other people draw closer to their church family? What about a meal train for sick people in your neighborhood, then fan out to share with people who are homeless? Start somewhere, and then get out of God’s way. He can do mighty, mighty things with your gifts.

I’ve not yet had the opportunity to pull over and chat with the man on the sidewalk whose smile as he makes the sign of the cross affects me so deeply. But I wonder if, for him, it started that way. Perhaps he was always a friendly sort, the kind who’d chat you up in the grocery store or make a new neighbor feel like they belonged. Then one day, the Spirit nudged him to go further, deeper, broader, wider. Now every day, he stands on the sidewalk, witnessing to the Lord and kindling that Holy Spirit fire ever-stronger.

It's what I try to do with my writing ministry, and in every other aspect of my life.

Are you thinking about taking your gift out to the world? Have you already started?

I’d love to know what God is laying on your heart. Together, we can do as Christ commands: share the Gospel one soul to another, now and always, for the glory of God’s holy kingdom.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”—Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

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