Stopping Worry from Stealing your Joy

By Jessica Brodie

I’m a worrier by nature. A planner. There are times I get stressed when I look two steps ahead and I can’t see what’s next. While I try on occasion to be spontaneous, usually it’s an intentional, calculated endeavor, as in, “Here’s Jessica being ‘fun’ and ‘adventurous.’” I like my adventures well-planned, thank you very much.

I think it stems from the illusion of control. See, while I’m fully aware Father God is in charge of the universe, this world, and even the tiny intricacies of my all-too-human life, sometimes I fool myself into thinking I can somehow control chaos if I plan well enough.

Deep down, I worry …

Worry I’ll lose the people I love.

Worry I’ll experience pain, anguish, or infirmity.

Worry I’ll somehow be “without,” whether that’s food, shelter, safety, or financial cushion.  

And I sometimes let that worry drive my actions, my thoughts, my work.

But Jesus had quite a lot to say about worry, and guess what—I’m supposed to stop.

He talked about worrying in Matthew 6:25-34, Matthew 10:19, Mark 13:11, Luke 12:11, Luke 12:22-29, and Luke 21:14.

Don’t do it, he said. It doesn’t help you but only harms you. God will handle your problems—just focus on today.

Yet we persist anyway, don’t we? I know I do.

The original Greek used in the Bible for worry is merimnaō, meaning to worry, have anxiety, or be concerned about something.

And here’s the real truth: If we’re concerned about something, it’s taking up space in our hearts. Our minds.

It’s taking away from what we should be doing—loving God. Loving God’s people. Doing God’s work.

Here’s what I know right now: In this very moment, I have a family, a home, a car, clothing, food, water, and safety. Right now, today, I have these things. I don’t need to let worry steal my joy in today.

But when I stop living in that joy to listen to that little kernel of doubt inside—what if this happens or that, or even that—I effectively hit pause on my present joy.

I become too mindful of what will be to enjoy what actually is.  

Worry is a sin because it separates us from the joy and love of God right now, today.

It becomes a wall, and any wall between me and my Lord is a sin against him.

It needs to stop.

So here’s what I’m doing today, and what I intend to do from now on: Breathe. Give it to God. Trust that God has things handled.

It’s OK if I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Today, I have what I need.

How about you? Is this a struggle for you? Do you need to set worry down like a heavy load, a ragged old suitcase that should have been discarded years ago, yet you’re still lugging it around?

Join me. There is freedom in Jesus. True freedom.

Amen. Thanks be to God!

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Thanks to my Patreon sponsors: Matt Brodie, Emily Dodd, Kathleen Patella, Billy Robinson, Yancy Rose, and Lanny Turner.