Can God’s light shine on social media?

By Jessica Brodie

We hear so many complaints about social media, from political slams and hate speech to creepy people asking for dates in your Twitter inbox.

Sure, it’s there. But today, I want to give a shout-out to the amazing love I’ve come to feel for my communities on social media.

For me, I’m super active on Facebook and Twitter, somewhat active on Instagram, and I dabble in Pinterest and LinkedIn. (Please feel free to connect with me on any of these platforms through the above links—I genuinely love making new friends.) Way back when, it started just to be social and see what’s going on. As my career progressed, I began using these more and more for work.

Today, I’ve come to embrace social media as an amazing place for ministry.

Here’s how it started for me. On Facebook, I began by posting occasional updates about my writing, plus links to my twice-weekly Shining the Light blog (check it out, here), but eventually I felt led to share other things the Lord put on my heart. That turned into a whole new amazing call… Now every day I post my own “scripture pictures,” pairing Bible verses with my own nature photography. What’s beautiful is how people have responded! I now have a community of thousands who view and comment on these. I’m finding so much comfort in knowing other people have a hunger for the Bible just like I do, that none of this response is about me (thank goodness!!!!) but about Jesus, and that other people are searching for Jesus and light and inspiration in the world at-large.

On Twitter, I used to simply share everything that was on my Facebook page. Oh, has that changed! Sure, I post my blogs in the hope that they might touch someone else’s heart, and it’s heartening when they do. But there is so much beauty on there, as well—splashes of joy and light and faith all over the place! I retweet what I can, and get to do my part in sharing that light and that Gospel, too. It’s the same thing with Instagram and Pinterest and LinkedIn. So many people are on fire for Christ, and I feel a deep call to share their passion as part of our faith link in the Holy Spirit.

Walking in the world—even just in social media—can be a scary place. We are told in Scripture not to love the world, and we know the temptations to stray from God’s path are relentless.

But when we can walk in the world protected and surrounded by the light of Christ, and then seek to do our best to shine that light, wow! It’s incredible how much good we can all help achieve in the name of the Lord, together.

In his letter to the early church in Corinth, the apostle Paul writes that “we are ambassadors who represent Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20 CEB).

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus instructed his disciples, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

We are called to spread God’s Good News and be His ambassadors in the world. Today, our world includes social media.

I pray I can do my part and use these beautiful technological resources for the salvation of all.

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