19 Thoughts on Self-Care and Self-Discipline

By Jessica Brodie

If you’re anything like me, spring triggers a fresh surge of energy and can-do spirit. The extra sunshine and bright bursts of green on the trees awaken sleepy muscles and lethargy. I find myself taking extra walks, finding excuses to go hiking, even sitting outside in the afternoon rays to take a phone call.

Wanting to do something and actually doing it can be quite different. And that is where self-care and self-discipline come in. When a slight longing becomes a genuine goal, there are steps I take, commitments I make, changes I implement. It might require getting up an hour early to take that walk, or forcing myself to go to sleep earlier. It might be making sure I follow through and buy the ingredients to cook those healthy meals instead of that wishful, “This weekend, I should really make the time to….”

Whether it’s caring for our physical bodies, or our emotional or spiritual selves, understanding the importance of self-care and being intentional about self-discipline are critical.

Apparently I write about this topic quite a bit, because I read over my blogs from the last several years and found quite a few you might enjoy.

Here are 19 blogs on various aspects of self-care and self-discipline. I hope they resonate. Let me know what you think—I would love to hear from you.


How Exercise Helps Me Love Myself As God Loves Me


How I’m Kickstarting My Prayer Life


How Shining the Light of Christ Helps Tackle the Worry Monster


My COVID Silver Lining: Unleashing My Creative Spirit


Steeping Yourself in God’s Word


Searing God’s Word Into My Heart


Falling in Love with God’s Creation


Go Play Outside: Releasing My Worries to Connect with God


What the Theater Has Taught Me About Faith


Am I Dressed and Ready for Jesus?


Why I Go To Church


The Right Perspective


Getting My Priorities Straight


Learning to Obey God


Am I Living or Just Filling the Time?


Cultivating a Patient Heart


Drowning Out the World’s Messages


A Suspicious Heart


Waitressing: Preparation for My Christian Walk


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Thanks to my patrons: Matt Brodie

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