Getting my priorities straight

By Jessica Brodie

I had my priorities skewed—even then, I knew it.

I was fifteen years old, and my high school debate teacher asked the class to rank the order of priorities in our life, everything from God to family to school to self to friends to activities we enjoy. I remember considering whether I should put God first on my list and thinking, “I know I’m supposed to….”

And yet I didn’t.

Years went by, and still, the Number One for me was never God. A lot of times it was self. Sometimes it was a loved one, or work. Later, even after I had fully committed myself to Christ, I know I often put my kids first.

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, my decision to make God the complete Lord over everything in my life, but somewhere along the line I made that decision. I wish I knew the date, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is my priorities shifted, the haze fell away, and everything became clear.

How I wish I could go back to that day in debate class, snatch that notebook paper off my desk, and write in bold capital letters: GOD.

After all, as it says in Exodus 20:3, “You must have no other gods before me” (CEB), and in Matthew 6:33, “Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I guess it shouldn’t surprise me, given the influence culture has had over my life, or should I say the hold “I allowed” culture to have. See, culture is always telling me to put self first, or family first. Culture tells me to worry about my needs because no one else is going to, to do what I need to do to be happy, for after all, you only live once.

Thankfully, I’m learning to drown out culture and its blabbermouth ways. I’ve realized it’s all a lie! Sometimes it’s the Enemy at work, and other times it’s us trying to make ourselves feel better for choices we’re making that we know just are not right.

I’m still a work in progress, but there are some things I do on a daily or consistent basis to help remind me who the priority is—God:


Putting God first when it comes to my day

This means reading the Bible and praying when I wake up instead of checking my email, going to church when I’d much rather sleep in and catch up on all the zzzzzz’s I missed during the week, and listening to Christian radio instead of the news as I commute to work.



I used to think tithing wasn’t really important. God didn’t “need” my money, I rationalized, and the church could get by just fine without my insignificant contribution. But tithing my ten percent isn’t about money at all—it’s about acknowledging who’s the boss of my life (God!). I think it was Christian financial guru Dave Ramsey who reminded me all I have isn’t mine but rather God’s. I’m just the manager. Realizing “my” money wasn’t truly mine but God’s made me see the light. Sometimes it feels like a huge sacrifice to dole out that tithe when I get paid, but by doing it, I’m acknowledging God comes first—and besides, I always have enough, somehow.


Business decisions

My husband and I own a business, and sometimes, hardships occur. We lose a client, get hit with an unexpected expense, or face a major decision. We used to get worried, or go back and forth about what is the “right decision.” Now, we give everything to God. When we have to make a decision, even when we think we “know” what to do, we still stop and pray that God will guide us the right way that honors Him. If a client steps away, we pray for God to send the client He has in mind, and then we rest easily knowing He does. God makes the best CEO!


Being a Godly wife

I’m definitely a work in progress in this area, but I really think about how I can love my husband in a Godly way—the way Jesus wants me to. I’m not sure who, but a wise person once said when a couple fights, there’s no “winner.” I try to remember that, as well as to treat him in a loving, kind, sweet way whenever possible. I have bad days, sure. This morning I was tempted to grumble about “always having to be the one who empties the dishwasher,” except that’s not true. And besides, emptying the dishwasher is a nice gesture of love I can offer. Trying to be a Godly, selfless wife goes a long way (and what’s really neat? Sweetness usually begets sweetness, and everybody wins!).


Parenting God’s way

I love my kids. And sometimes I do get lost in the busy-mom cycle of caregiving: feeding, carpooling, tending to illness, picking up clutter, long goodnight talks, etc. But what’s critical for me is knowing those are the “trees,” and I have to keep my sights on the “forest.” As a mom, my first priority is to raise my kids in the Lord. So that comes first! We talk constantly about all things spiritual. We pray before meals. We ask questions like, “What would Jesus say about the situation?” when we have conflicts. We pray on our way to school and in public and when we see an ambulance and or other time life throws unexpected curveballs.


Noticing beauty

Even though I grew up in the big city, I’m a huge nature-lover. One thing I love about nature is knowing it all stems from Our Creator, God. On the weekends, I love to bask in nature, which for me means basking in the Lord. On drives to school and work, I truly look at the sunrise. At night, I take a deep breath and gaze at the stars, reminding myself how blessed we are to be loved so much by God.


I’m sure there are things I’m forgetting, but this is a start. How about you? Do you know God comes first? How do you remind yourself that God is top priority in your daily life?

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