Gaining a New Perspective by Tapping into Innocence

Today, my devotional is the featured blog on my friend and fellow Christian author Alexis Goring's Devotionals for the Heart "God is Love" blog.

By Jessica Brodie

Do you ever get lonely? I used to struggle with loneliness a lot, especially in my teens and twenties. It still rears its ugly head on occasion.

When God created the first man, He knew right away Adam needed a companion. As it says in Genesis 2:18, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” From Adam, God made Eve—a suitable companion, a woman to join with him as “one flesh” (2:24).

I imagine God knew Adam would get lonely with no “kindred spirit,” no fellow human, to talk with and share live with. 

Sometimes, when we’re lonely, upset, or grumpy, a companion is exactly what we need, too. Sometimes it takes spending quality time with another person to reset. Often, that’s a spouse or close friend, and it works great.

But we humans can all too quickly lure each other into our own negative mindsets. The “grumpies” can spread like a virus—even worse than COVID.

Think about the times you’ve been in a cranky mood and spent time with a friend who loves to gossip. Maybe it’s a laugh at first, but soon you start to feel worse. Crankiness begets crankiness.

That’s when I’ve found spending time with those seemingly “immune” to the grumpies—little kids, cute baby animals, or super-positive ray-of-sunshine friends—can be a big help.

Read the rest of the blog HERE!

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