Am I Dressed and Ready for Jesus?

By Jessica Brodie

You know how sometimes it’s so hard to jump back into something you know is good for you, but you just don’t want to do it?

Recently, I’ve started a fitness routine again. I used to exercise daily, but I fell seriously off-track between a move to a new house, a death in the family, and a tripled workload—including launching a new side business with my husband. Working out went to the proverbial backburner, and then entirely off the stove together.

And frankly, now that I’m off my fitness routine, it’s been really tough to muster the energy to restart. A million excuses swirl: It’s too cold. I have a huge deadline. I didn’t sleep well last night. I should use that time to bond with my daughter over cat videos (or nap, or read).

Deep down, however, I know I need to exercise regularly, both for my health and for stress-relief.

Thankfully, I’ve discovered the perfect trick to make myself exercise on days I’m tempted to skip…

Get dressed.

I know—it sounds entirely too simple! But it works. I force myself to put on my workout clothes, right down to my sneakers and the requisite ponytail. Once I’m wearing my “uniform,” I don’t really have any more excuses left. I’m prepared, ready to go—I might as well just get it done.

It hit me today reading the Gospel of Matthew that being prepared is not only helpful when it comes to self-discipline, but also when it comes to staying on track with our faith. See, Jesus knew that after He was resurrected, His followers would have plenty of temptations steering them from a Godly path. While God sent the Holy Spirit, our advocate, to help keep our hearts on fire for the Lord, He knew what we sinful, weak humans would face. Doubts might creep in, or different teachings from false prophets or false messiahs might sway our hearts and minds. The passage of time, too, might make us complacent or bored, might cause us to lose our initial fiery passion.

Because of that, Jesus urges us in Matthew 24:42-44 to “keep watch” and be ready for His return.

“For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected (NLT).

For just as when a master goes away on a trip and leaves his servant to run the estate, Jesus said, the master will reward a servant that kept things running well. But if the master returns—unannounced and unexpected—to find the servant has fallen off-track, “he will cut the servant to pieces” (Matthew 24:51).

So be on guard, He says, for “no one knows the hour or the day” the Lord will return. But return He will, and woe to the one who is not prepared.

Skipping my workout is a far cry from being cut to pieces and banished from the Kingdom of God, but at least when I’m dressed and ready, I have a good chance of staying disciplined and healthy

Likewise, when my faith is “dressed and ready”—when I’m actively putting God first, reading the Bible, praying, staying in relationship with Him, meeting regularly with friends who help me stay accountable and walk in the light—I’m prepared. I’m protected. I’m centered in God and better able to resist temptation and laziness.

Are there ways you try to stay dressed and ready for the Lord? Share in the comments below!

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