An Interview with an Author: Alexis A. Goring

It’s Author Thursday on my blog! Today, meet my good friend and fellow writer Alexis A. Goring.

Alexis has written and published four books thus far (the first three were contemporary romance stories and the fourth, the most recent, is a devotional). Her other professions include working as a freelance writer, editor, blogger, journalist, and photographer.

She’s a wonderful writer and person who is fully committed to writing the messages that God puts on her heart to share with the world.

Learn more about Alexis through the links at the end of this interview.

—By Jessica Brodie


JB: Tell us about yourself and your faith journey.

Alexis: I was born into a Christian home. I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart at a young age and was baptized at age 15. I got sick at age 16 and had to be hospitalized. But that’s when God really showed up for me in a way that helped me get to know Him for myself on a personal level (not just by introduction of my parents’ faith in Him). During my recovery, God gave me the gift of writing devotionals and started teaching me through those writings while also inspiring others. Since then, God has grown my devotional writing ministry and healed me in ways that I never imagined! He provided opportunities for me that paid me to write inspirational content such as when I was the Growing Up columnist for Collegiate Quarterly (a faith-based publication with a worldwide audience), to multiple opportunities to contribute my original devotionals to faith-based books and blogs and most recently, inspiring me to write my first devotional book (Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God) that was published in April 2020. All along the way this journey of faith, God continues to guide me as my Master Teacher, Confidant and most Faithful Friend.


JB: When did you know you wanted to become a writer?

Alexis: Since age 9 after an impromptu storytelling game between my maternal grandfather, my younger brother and I. Our maternal grandparents were our babysitters. That storytelling game that happened that summer while in their house served as the catalyst in helping me realize that I wanted to be a professional storyteller when I grew up. God allowed that dream to come true and He allowed me to earn the education to help me train my skills (B.A. in Print Journalism and MFA in Creative Writing). God provided great learning and networking opportunities that equipped me to do the work that I do today. I am forever grateful to Him!


JB: How does your faith influence your writing?

Alexis: My faith influences my writing because not only do I need to write like I need to breathe; I write the messages that God puts on my heart to share with the world. This is especially true with my devotional writing! But it also shows up in my fiction storytelling because I cannot write a story without a spiritual thread that helps my characters overcome their conflicts and brings readers closer to Jesus Christ who is REAL and who loves them with His life! (John 3:16)


JB: When did this particular story first stir in your heart?

Alexis: My devotional book, Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God, started stirring in my heart last year (2019) when God helped me realize that I’ve been writing devotionals for a while now to be published in different places and it was time that I put a set of my original devotionals in one place, my very own book!


JB: Do you have other books coming out in the future?

Alexis: I am not actively writing a book right now. But I am still writing devotionals for blogs (my own and others). I’m also dreaming of writing Contemporary Romance novels and Christmas stories for Hallmark Publishing! The ideas are brewing! I’m just waiting on God to stir my creativity and help me make these whimsical dreams a reality, if it’s His will.


JB: What do I hope for readers to take away from this book?

Alexis: I hope that my readers will learn through my devotional book that God loves them and they always have Hope (His Name is Jesus Christ)! I want my readers to feel closer to God and be motivated to get to know Him better on their own through Bible study and prayer.


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