This year, instead of making resolutions, I’m keeping things simple and focusing instead on prioritizing my relationship with God above all.
Read MoreConsidering a leap of faith? Know that God will provide your wings somehow, someway.
Read MoreHer obedience in the face of the unknown is both inspiring and courageous.
Read MoreWhen we journey through the land of suffering, or perhaps simply during this Advent season, we must allow ourselves to long for the light. A guest blog from Dr. Ted Goshorn.
Read MoreEven though waters roar and mountains quake, even when evil is hammering on your door … joy to the world, the Lord is come.
Read MoreStress has a lot to do with faith. But that rope is strong. And we can trust that by taking the first step, the next will be easier because the doubts begin to fall away.
Read MoreThe bad things we go through aren’t easy, but they’re not supposed to be. I see them as the things that build character. They also draw me closer to God.
Read MoreWhere is God during times of great pain, stress, and hardship? Right beside you. On learning to walk in his sandals.
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