Sometimes, abiding in Jesus means embracing that strange, uncomfortable middle and acknowledging your faith and patience need to grow.
Read MoreSometimes when tragedy hits someone you care about, you struggle with how to love them well in the midst of it—especially when there is little you can do.
Read MoreWhat does God’s wisdom look like? And where do we find it? Here, guest blogger Lori Hatcher shares how asking God for wisdom is key. Further, knowing God promises a sure and steady source of wisdom for times of trial gives her the hope she needs to persevere.
Read MoreThis week, I feature a guest blogger, Lanny Turner, M.D., who lost his son to suicide. Yet his agonizing experience unexpectedly led him to an even deeper relationship with the Lord as he and his wife learned to trust God anew and follow him consistently through the shadows, as God moved them slowly into the light again.
Read MoreI choose to welcome the new year with the quiet confidence of a woman who knows her life is held in the hands of the One who made the stars: God Almighty.
Read MoreWhatever hardship you are experiencing right now, know that what we go through here on earth is temporary. It might hurt, and it’s hard, but it won’t last forever.
Read MoreThis year, we have a new opportunity, a fresh start, when it comes to loving others. And in the name of God, every one of us who professes to love the Lord needs to take this seriously.
Read MoreJesus tells us that when we love other people—especially people who can’t possibly do for themselves, who are hungry or poor or in prison, who have no way forward but through miracles and the kindness of others—that’s how we can show love for him. For me, today, loving Dulce by trying to get her the lifesaving bone marrow transplant she needs is that way. Perhaps it is for you too.
Read MoreWe cannot hoard our light, keep it to ourselves or our own inner circle. Instead, we must shine it, share it, so all can see and take part… so it ignites, light to light to light, forever without end.
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